We are proud to offer high quality music instruction. Lessons are taught on a one-to-one basis. To ensure that our instructional studios continue to run smoothly, we ask that students and parents read and adhere to the policies below.
Student lessons will take place once a week. You will keep that day and time on a continual basis throughout the year except for holidays and breaks. The tuition price is fixed monthly.
$140 for 45 minute lessons
$190 for hour lessons
Tuition is due on the 1st of each month with a five day grace period. Any payment received after the 5th will need to include a 10% late fee. If you choose not to attend a lesson, you are still required to pay tuition. Also, we cannot refund the remainder of the month’s tuition in the event the student decides to quit and a $50 registration fee is required to start lessons again.
Payment options:
1) Post date 3, 6 or 12 checks which will be held on file and deposited monthly.
2) Pay monthly by check, cash or card due on the 1st with a grace period of five days.
Any payment received after the 5th will need to include a 10% late fee.
3)Prepay quarterly.
Student absences due to sickness, schedule conflicts or inclement weather are made up only during designated makeup weeks during the normal lesson time. There are four makeup weeks throughout the year.
To be flexible and work around summer travel plans, extra summer make-ups will be provided by appointment. These can be done in addition to your normal time-slot. We will be glad to hold slots over the summer if we receive payment.
Since we are working musicians, occasionally we have to be away for a music conference, live performance or session. We will be required to make up any lessons we have to cancel. This will be worked out on an individual basis.